Tuesday, June 9, 2009

MIA - Back On Track

Well finally, you know what they say about all work and no play....well it's true.I just walked in the door finished doing the chores. For you folks scattered about the planet it is 9:55 pm here. I thought if I got on the computer before I sat down on the couch I just might get a post done. I grabbed my camera just in case something interesting was happening....no such luck everyone was just waiting for their dinner which is quite a predictable occurance. I took some shots anyhow. The first horse is Texas, he's the old - timer around here. He is 33 this year. He is still looking pretty good. This horse has the most perfect ears.....cute.This picture is of Jade and Buster, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. They almost look like a matched pair.

And finally everyone chowing down. these guys sure enjoy eating .....I think it shows, somebody is going to report me to the SPCA for fat .....really fat horses.oh before I go can anyone out there tell me how to get that light out of my subjects eyes ,I've tried but like I have said before ........inept. Well that's it for me. I will be taking pics early for next Sunday's challenge. See you all then . Have a good night.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Light in animals eyes is tricky, I usually move to a different angle:)

Shirley said...

If you are using the flash, try shutting it off and using a different setting on your camera; maybe one for lower light.

The Mares

The Girls That Share My Life







