Friday, December 30, 2011


Well I'm fooling around with my Christmas present. Yes I got a new the problem is I don't know how to use it. This morning I thought I would go out and try the action shot mode ( Sports) I like the camera and if I ever get it figured out I may even get some good pics. Something to get used to is the size of the thing...I'm used to slipping my other camera in my pocket, this one bounces around and gets in the way....probably not the one to take to do chores with but that's when the critters run around and make for some interesting shots. So a few things I have found is this camera has very little zoom capabilities,  if the subject is right there that doesn't matter much though. I did find that it will take that action shot and doesn't get fuzzy if you move along with the subject. So here's Jazz coming.
I followed along with her as she went up in the can't really tell but she does have all four feet off the ground....( not quite Beamerish)but almost.

Then she spun around and did a few circles
And then she wound down to a standstill....I'm sure she was thinking she deserved a breather.
So a few things I found out, my old camera would not have taken these pics without either being fuzzy or having missed it altogether, the new camera not as distinct and crisp as I would like....guessing that's the operator and not the camera. I'm thinking that it would be a good idea to go find some courses that teach photography ....or the basics of cameras...if there is such a course.
I didn't get a chance to bring this any closer because I needed to take the shot fast and I had to give the dogs heck for harassing the horse. All in all I think I will eventually get to liking and hopefully taking some decent shots with it.



Sherry Sikstrom said...

hey look great ! What kind of camera, If you take your shots in a "raw " or lager foprmat, they will stay crisp whne you crop them down and you can zoom in then

Shirley said...

Jazz sure inherited Beamer's love of play! Belle doesn't do that, she just likes to zoom around with a little kick out.
Ick- snow!
Won't be long before you have the hang of things with your new camera- just keep clicking!

Janice said...

Hey Sherry...was Santa good to you. I know you had lots of family stuff and that's what's important but a little fun don't hurt either.
I got a Canon Rebel T3...not sure if it is the right one but it is what I wanted so I'd best learn how to use it.My next statement really proves my camera ineptness...not sure what you mean about raw and cropping.....and so ouch now I have a headache.....just kidding. Later.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

you sound like me with my fancy camera last year, Canon Rebel T2I just play with it lots and lots, and try some stuff , try all the settings , and wing it ! I still reach for the old point and shoot more than the canon but it is coming. And yes , Santa treated me like the Princess I always believed I was! LOL very nice goodies including 2! painted ponies! one being the one I wanted so badle "Emergence " by Jennifer MAc Neill Traylor based on The Phoenix (the bird not my fancy pony ,or maybe...)

The Mares

The Girls That Share My Life







