Well guys I didn't have much so I kinda cheated, hey isn't something better than taking a pass.
Shades of Gray - Gloomy- Grim, one might say that's a little melodramatic but after a steady diet of everything being gray a body starts to feel that way.
Just when you don't think you can stand it anymore from this to this. Endless Glorious blue sky.
Still shades of gray in there but also the promise of something else to come.
Greenhouse still in stage 1
Galloping Girls, after being locked up for a few weeks there was much leg stretching and head shaking going on.
Group Gallop, everyone was out and set to go, finally free, well not quite free but close and I'm very happy to say I heard no coughing as they settled down to their munchies.
Past colorful Greenery from last year. Right out of the Greenhouse.
And what the heck one more from the past, a selection from the Golfcourse. Green .....Green ......Green..... it's coming .....Right.....Right. Ok that's enough I look forward to taking a look at the work of saner minds......????? Have a G R E A T Day.