Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesdays With Texas Chapter 5 ( The Homecoming)
Texas 2009 (32yrs)
I start this chapter with rather un - fond(that's a new word) memories. During the remainder of the summer I was separated from my friend...rather all my friends. I will explain briefly. S and I had some disagreement....over who knows what....well I do remember........ but best to let sleeping dogs lie.( And maybe things might be kind of jumbled in my mind) anyhow because of our differences I quit going to the stable everyday .....not at I never got to see Tex who I already felt belonged to me. At some point we had agreed on a price of 400.00 but because of our problems that had never come about.So while I was away ...(I'm not really sure what they did with Tex) but there was a young girl that used to hang around the stable, she also had taken a shine to Tex but I was the only one who had been riding him. Her parents were looking to buy her a horse and she really wanted they went to look at him. Apparently her mother was horrified by the horse she thought he was ugly and looked mean ( not a mean bone in his body) because of his odd blue eyes.....good thing for me .....No Sale. As the summer wore on I became more and more bothered by not being able to see " My Horse" so I went down to the stable and paid 16.00 for a two hour ride and they wouldn't give me my horse. I was told he was being worked because he was for sale. So I rode something else, when I left there to go home I was heartbroken ....they were going to sell my horse. I had not a cent and no where to keep a horse....I really had no business even thinking about owning a horse...I could barely afford to keep myself alive......but. When I got home my boyfriend asked what was wrong, after I told him what was going on he disappeared for awhile. When he came back he handed me the money for the horse....I couldn't believe it...I could get my horse. I was so excited, I didn't know what to do first....then reality struck home.... I still had no place to keep Tex and no money to feed him. I went from a huge rush of happiness to a big crash of disappointment. Rick told me to go pay for the horse so nobody else could buy him and he would figure out the rest. I went to pay for the horse and was told he was now 500.00, so I gave them what I had and asked them to keep him for a bit ...thankfully they agreed to that. In the days that followed Rick pulled in some favors from his friends. One guy offered up rough cut planks for fencing,( we lived on a lot that was about 3/4 to 1 acre) another of his friends came and built a lean to for housing and storing hay.....and somebody else delivered a ton of hay....everything was ready for Tex. I have to add here if I didn't thank Rick enough( and his friends) at the time for all he did to get me that horse I do so now.....I don't think he knew how much it meant to me to be able to bring that horse home.
Sorry these pics are terrible but they are pictures of pictures that are about 31 yrs old. These were taken the day Texas made it home. I think even though they are bad pictures you can still see I was quite happy. I think up to that point I can say that was the happiest day in my life. Our time together really began from that day....We would have many adventures together over the next.... few......many years.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Barn Bird
This bird flew in here sometime early summer and never left. At first it would fly away as soon as it saw me, now it lets me get within a few feet of it. He (She) how do you tell... is still always on the alert though and the minute I move or try to get closer it flies away. He needs to stay on the alert because there are three dogs and three cats watching it's every move.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
A Challenge Of A Different Sort
I had to pass on the Sunday Challenge because it was beyond my feeble camera skills....I really did try though. So instead while doing chores this morning I thought I would see if I could get my video on the camera to kind of did.....but I am still having problems with it, it almost looks like the proper challenge ( Bokeh) this week only in video. At least it is doing it's thing in color again....although you would have a tough time seeing that really is that grim looking out there today. I have no idea what is going on with this camera, I used to take a fairly decent video now everything is out of whack. The good news is now that we have a new Internet provider( Flexinet) the videos upload in record speed....problem with that is are they really worth looking at with such poor quality. Oh well I'm going with them anyhow.
This cat is priceless, she loves to ride the Quad and help do chores....really hard to get a pic of this when I need my camera hand to give the machine gas.
Well if you want to see some rather unusual pics you can go check out everybody else's Sunday Challenge shots.
Have A Great Week
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Talent Abounds
Shirley over at Ride A good Horse has a really good idea for Christmas shopping. I swear she reads my mind or something. I was going to do a bit of a plug for Fern Valley Appaloosas anyhow but now I will also add anyone else I can think of. These are the only two I have pics of and that's because I actually have these things sitting and or hanging around.
Sherry does very professional well done calenders.... with excellent you can see by the date I am in need of a new one. Sherry also has a book out called Telling Tails, both of these items will make great Christmas gifts.
Sydney over at Bitless Horse Science VS Tradition makes some really nice stuff from Braided Horsehair.
This one I had specially made for me I sent Sydney the bead in the middle, it has a story but I won't bore you with the details...lets just say it has a special meaning for me. These items were made from my horses tails. The old guy Tex and Mattie my little black Mare. Sydney makes all kinds of things... all of which would make excellent Christmas gifts.
Here are a few names of some other talented people as well.
Gizzards And Calf Fries
Tellico Turnings - He makes lovely hand turned wood stuff -to many things to actually name thus the (Stuff) Can be found at (Retired And Lovn' It)
Just Another Day On The Prairie ( Gorgeous Photography)
Thoughts From The Road ( Extremely nice Photography)Can be found at (Thoughts from The Road )blogspot
And those are the only ones I can think of right now, I'm sure there are many more super talented people out there so go check out some blogs it will boggle your mind the stuff these people can do. Ican think of one more ....although I don't know how happy she will be with me for saying so.....but I'm going to anyhow. Shirley over at Ride A good Horse is a talented artist.....I'm going to see if I can talk her into doing a portrait of my old horse ....and also Shirley is a good Seamstress of the things she makes that I really like is Small Saddle Bags (Horn Bags) They are great for packing your lunch, camera etc. They are light as they are made from fabric rather than leather....anyhow they are marvelous. Husbands - Boyfriends you can't go wrong with this kind of gift.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
This Is Interesting
I found this over at The Skoog Farm Journal, it's pretty neat, a bit long. I was so impressed with how well behaved the horses are with those lights bobbing around their ears etc. Gail I thought you might enjoy this.
Happy Thanksgiving To The American Visitors
Happy Thanksgiving To The American Visitors
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tuesdays With Texas Chapter 4 ( A Lesson For Me)
Tex Summer 2010 (34 yrs Old)
I left off with Texas as a 3yr old part way into training. I started using Tex a lot to take out the trail rides, at that time he was a good lead horse before I kinda ruined him.....oh I'm getting ahead of myself - he could lead or take up the rear. I used to like being in the back because then you always got a first hand view of the entertainment.....and trust me no matter how well you checked the gear and matched horses to people .....something always happened. On one particular day while in the rear I thought I would incorporate a little training as well. I never expected our so far uneventful ride would turn into a bit of a gong show, with Tex and I as the main attraction. We were pretty close to home maybe only 20 to 30 minutes out, we were just kind of ambling along, the trail got narrow with pretty steep hills on either side. I decided that was a good place to get Tex going up and down hills properly.....well I guess it was one of Texas's no way days( again)we started up the hill and he decided he didn't want to go, it got a wee bit scary hung up in the middle of a really ....really steep hill. So I applied a little spur pressure....well probably more than a little....lets just say he took exception to it....however we made it to the top of the hill. So we sat there for a bit thinking on the experience...when my friend S heading the ride asks if everything is OK, my reply was yeah go ahead we'll be along. She later informed me we had made quite a racket and had the whole attention of the ride. So anyhow I'm ready to go and I'm looking down that hill and I'm thinking to idiot was pretty daunting.....what do you do - what goes up must come down......and believe me we came down. We were only about 1/4 of the way you have to remember Tex was just a youngster with no experience on how to go about managing such a monumental task. I did all the things I thought I was supposed to aid him in this lesson and then the #*#% hit the fan. I don't know if he bucked or what happened but the next thing I know he and I are rolling down the hill...we landed in a heap at the bottom with me stuck underneath him. He scrambled to his feet and all the while I'm still underneath you think he would move out of the way ...not a chance, when I figured out I was not dead or injured and capable of movement the adrenaline took over and I got mad. Here's this horse standing over me ( insert sarcasm - aimed at myself) not helping the situation in the least....had I taken the time and kept my cool I would have noticed the poor horse was shaking like a leaf.........instead from underneath him ( I admit shame at this point) I kinda put the boots to him to get him away from me....that could have gone so wrong.....thankfully he was smarter than me and just moved off and away from me. Meanwhile just on the other side of a little creek S and the other riders are watching us with their eyes big as saucers......big oops didn't know we had an audience....not my proudest moment...... for sure! Anyhow I gathered up my poor scared horse and we carried on home. When I put Tex in the tie stall to take his gear off I could see he was trembling uncontrollably, he was also pretty mad at me (rightly so) I could tell he didn't really want me touching him, I carefully and quietly took his gear off and then I started checking him out, I talked to him and ran my hands over him until he finally quit shaking. He had a few cuts and scrapes ....all minor thank goodness. I groomed him and fed him a few treats and got ready to turn him loose......I was feeling pretty crappy about myself and how I handled the situation.....I think Tex could feel my angst and about then he decided to forgive me.....he stuck his nose in the crook of my arm and just rested his head there for a feelings for this horse bubbled to the surface and I started to cry.....I'm going to say it was a delayed reaction to the near miss rather than the fact that I'm a big baby. That day was a huge learning experience for both of us.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Too Cool
Here's one for ya, this is pretty cool. My Mom sent this to me, thanks Mom it was well worth the watch
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sunday Challenge " Portraits"
This was a tough challenge for me.....well who am I kidding they all are. I had to go to the archives and a few recent shots because when I went out to get some new pics my camera wouldn't function....try toooo cold!!!! So this is what you will get. I don't know about portrait quality but these were some shots I like.
Kali( Pathetic- Done Well)
Two brothers, almost always together......sadly no longer part of the clan.
Mattie, last year....would not give me a frontal shot if her life depended on it. She was kinda crabby.....gee I wonder why.
My beautiful Sage, it's pretty hard not to get a decent shot of her.
And again
The next two are of Moxie and they were plain #*#* house luck.
Well that's what I have...I have no tips because I am not a very good photographer....however I will say that these Sunday challenges have improved my abilities a lot. There are things I know to look for now that I didn't before,Oh I can think of one tip....if you want more color in your photos don't take shots in the snow.
Have A Great Week
Saturday, November 19, 2011
After The Ugly
Cheyenne ( Cheyenne Chronicles) this post is for you. Cheyenne has said he loves the snow...... so enjoy. This is nothing, we are just getting started. This kind of day is what makes winter around here a bit more bearable. The East Kootenays are known for the amount of sunshine and blue sky we see in the winter.....for the last few years though this area would be hard pressed to prove it. Anyhow hope you enjoy the's a wee bit blinding out there right now........out come the shades.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Interesting Video
While checking out Cedar View Paints I came across a really neat Video. You should check it out.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
A Touch Of Melancholy
Well I guess it's just that time of year for me....and many others as well. I am so not a winter person, I don't ski ( or any other snow sports) I don't snowmobile or any of that kind of stuff, I live almost at the bottom of the ski hill...a little ironic....oh well we won't go there. This morning when I went to do chores.
One of the things I do like about winter and snow, is watching the animals and all their silly antics.
No matter how depressing I find this season the animals around here are able to make me smile at least a couple of times a day.
By the time I finished chores we were back to this.........heavy sigh.....Ok I know it is pretty early to be whining already.....I will try very hard not to be to much of a downer this winter.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Was There Ever Any Doubt
Monday morning, I certainly never had any doubt; winter has been creeping in for quite some time. What I find interesting is the difference in the weather between Lethbridge and here. I would have thought theirs would be worse because it usually is.
On the Way to Lethbridge on Fri.
Afterthought - This note is for my visitor from Boyle, Alberta, since you have visited me a few times now I thought I would tell you that many years ago I lived in Boyle. I believe the population then was 600....603 counting my husband and daughter and myself. Wouldn't it be cool if we knew each other back then. How long have you lived there. I have to say it was a long time agoooo for me.....about 30 ish years....holy crap!!!!!. Anyhow thank you for the visits. I hope this blog is interesting enough that you return again.
On the Way to Lethbridge on Fri.
Sat.on the way home as we are getting closer to BC
Monday morning chore time.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sunday Challenge "Potluck With A Purpose"
This one was a toughy, I'm not sure I caught the spirit of the challenge but I'm going with it anyhow. The challenge is to have a bad pic and a good of the same subject matter or along the same lines. This one was especially hard for me cause most of my pics are not that good .....but ya gotta try. These are also from the archives....sorry.
These two make it fairly hard to get the action shot but I sort of got it.
I was trying for the horse up closer and the trees more behind. Wrong location and to far away.
Still wrong angle but a little better
Much better
Well that's it all I have. Off to check you out while I wait for the farrier.
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