Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Spring For Shirley "Alberta Shirley"
One of my favorite colors. I'm going to put a shot of the Golf Course stuff now and then I'll put one up when they go out, big difference and then at the end of the season I'll put up another one.I always dread the end of the season because then I have to dump these containers and they are still nice. Oh well ....it is the course of nature.....with the dumping of the flowers comes .......oh no winter.........whoa slow down that train (Just because it's snowing out there right now doesn't mean Spring isn't happening)

OK Shirley just a little color to brighten up your day. Here is a pic of some CGC baskets
They don't look that good now but wait a few months, it's like the caterpiller into a butterfly. That's it for plants I just had to add this one though....it's what you call a Greenhouse Dog.
Well that's it for me have to go......I owe....... Iowe it's off to work I go. Later fellow bloggers have a great day.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Suday Challenge "Landscapes"
Finally.... this rotten machine had a bit of a hissy fit this morning, it is slowing down my whole day. Anyhow here goes. Hope you don't get bored. I see these shots everyday and everday I am amazed at Natures Landscape, I myself don't get bored by it..........but it is definitely more impressive when your right there. This is truly beautiful country. The first 4 shots are of the same mountain range just panning across. The last picture is Fisher Peak and that is what I see off the front porch every morning......well almost.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
We Say Good - Bye
With some sadness I say good bye to another of my Morgans. Moxie has found herself a very nice home she will be well cared for and used which is what I want for her. Moxie doesn't have many horse friends and she has always been a people pleaser so she should do really well with her new owner. Her new owner is into Buggies and Sleighs, she will put a lot of miles on in the mountains but she will also learn how to pull a buggy. I think she will be spectacular to watch pulling a buggy or a sleigh. Moxie has a buggy horse carriage, she has incredible knee action and a lovely arch neck.....she has a natural Buggy horse look. I believe she will be good at anything her new owner does with her but I will be excited to see her in harness. Well my herd is getting smaller by the minute, I really do hate to see them go. The only good part of this is she is going to a really wonderful home. I will miss her uniqueness and her winning ways, I wasn't upset until I started writing this so I think I will end it here. Until next time fellow bloggers. 
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tucker and Ted
This is an update on Tucker and his little broken leg. He is doing well and is quite happy to have the splint off. He gets around fairly well and is very pleased with himself. He will never be Dave's pack dog or companion when he goes into the mountains or wherever...... Dave loves him anyhow so he will be a good companion when he's around home.

We had a visiter from Alberta for the last couple of days. This is how comfortable it is when you come here. This is Ted he belongs to Shirley over at Ride A Good Horse. I think the combination of driving- wood heat- and a warm fuzzy blanket had this affect.
I started laughing so hard I woke him up. Got a smile out of him.
I don't think he could have gotten any more comfortable.
I think I better check Ted's suitcase before he goes,he got really attached to that blanket while he was here.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sunday Challenge "Water"
We have been really busy and couldn't go find any open water, so this is what you get.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well.....it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
For those of you that don't know, this is my dog Sage. She's a very good girl and it's a good thing too because she has me wrapped around her tail. If she wasn't such a good dog I don't think she would be that spoiled. Look at that face............I don't know about you guys but she has me on that one look.
This is her deciding that it's pretty boring to just play with the toy but if she balls up the blanket around it then she gets to find it.

What a beauty!!!!!!!!! Well that's all I have today.I look forward to seeing everyone's challenge photos tomorrow.
Monday, March 9, 2009
For those of you that are not aware, Sunday's have become a Challenge day. I didn't explain that very well.So last Sunday's challenge was Self Portrait . for those of you that don't know me .....I don't do photos. This is why the pics you saw, I still got to participate but your all still going to have to guess.....Sorry. On the other hand the people who do these challenges took excellent photos and with some humor as well. If you would like to see them go to the left side of this blog and click on Sunday Stills Challenge. Go into comments and click on any of the names you see in there, you will then see some really fabulous photography. Until next time.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
After The Blizzard
I wanted to say thank you to the people that visit this blog. I was watching faithfully the number of visits, so that when it reached 1000 I could do a contest or something. Due to technical difficulties ......in english....my rotten computer betrayed me and I missed it. So......with a some what belated - Thank You very much for the interest. I will have to do something when we near the 2000 mark.
This is the Kimberley Ski Hill. This is what I see from the bottom horse pasture. This is at 9:00 am after our absolutely horrid weather of yesterday. I won't complain too loudly or long about our weather because it has been a lot worse in other places.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Premier Ridge
Here are some shots of a few of the participants of our ride a couple of weeks ago. We had a very good turn out, there was about 13 or 14 people. The weather was wonderful, it was sunny and the sky was blue as far as the eye could see, it was a great ride.
As you can see a few people like their Mules. There was two sets of them.
These two are out of a Morgan
We rode on Premier Ridge which is out behind Wasa Lake, we rode for about 3 or so hours. We stopped and had lunch. It was just about the right amount of time. i don't know about anyone else but aftwer about 4 hours I start to get a little sore.......all those old aches and pains start to kick in. This was some of the scenery we could look across at.

I didn't take any pics of my horse. She is such a good girl. Mattie is about 200 pounds overweight right now and she hasn't been ridden much this winter.......yes shame on me. Anyhow she stepped out and stayed right up with the guy in front who happens to ride a fast walking Mule. I was very pleased with her. She was so wet she looked like a Bashkir Curly, I could kick myself for not getting a picture. I thought she would be the only one working. There was enough snow out there that even the animals in good shape had to work some. We all got back with some pretty wet, tired horses. It was a really great day. You don't always get them around here at this time of year. As I'm typing we are having a blizzard yuk u...g...l...y!!!!! Well have to go brave the storm it is feeding time......it is definitely coverall weather.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Finally a computer that will let me do something. For those of you that don't know yet I don't always get the greatest pics and also I am not a computer genius either. I have been trying for days to answer the questions I was asked about the Architecture challenge a couple of Sundays ago. The computer I normally use will not let me type anything. This one wouldn't either .....but it seems to be ok now. anyhow before it goes bonkers again.........the pics I took for that challenge are from a place called Fort Steele. The Tower is what they are calling Fort Steele Water Works. I really can't tell you much more about that particular building........however Fort Steele is a Heritage town located in the East Kootenays. It was a real working town in the 1800's. It has been maintained in the style and era it was built. It operates as a tourist attraction now. I feel for the staff there in the summer. All of the staff wear period clothing.......could you imagine that in 90 degree temps. No thanks. If you are interested in finding out more about Fort Steele the address is www.Fort Steele .ca i will post some more pics from time to time.......that is if my other machine quits hissy fitting. Down below is a pic of my friend Shirley from over at Ride A Good Horse. this was taken when they came to visit awhile ago. What big babies.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
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