Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Happy Holidays
Well guys after many attempts and much frustration I have given up on putting up any photos of decorations or anything else for that matter.I am suprised I have been able to get this page open. I have been really disappointed not to be able to get into your blogs and see what everyone is doing for Christmas. I am tired of fighting with this computer/server I'm thinking server!!!! so I am taking a bit of a break and will probably not try posting for awhile....not gone just absent. I will try to follow along and leave comments when I can. Maybe Santa will bring me a Server that will allow me to enjoy my computer and blogger buddies. Having said that I would like to wish everyone a Wonderful Christmas however you celebrate it. .....and if you don't Happy Holidays. Later. Bah Humbug how boring without color and narration.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sunday Challenge "Pets"
Today is Monday and I am finally getting my Sunday post up. The joys of modern technology. we have slow speed Internet ( satellite) we asked for an upgrade because it is so slow you might as well be on dial up. They gave us something but I don't think I would call it an it just doesn't do anything...every time it's supposed to be online it cuts out just long enough to screw up whatever you are doing.....oh well I digress, back to why I'm here.
We have been here before. Last year with this challenge I felt the need to explain why I don't call my furry friends pets,this year I still don't think of them as pets but hey I will run with the crowd. So without further ado here's what I came up with.

We have been here before. Last year with this challenge I felt the need to explain why I don't call my furry friends pets,this year I still don't think of them as pets but hey I will run with the crowd. So without further ado here's what I came up with.
Can you see Kali in there, Sage and Mia were ratting her out for eating the plants.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday Challenge " Potluck"
Well this weeks challenge suprised me by really being a challenge. I was thinking potluck cool it can be anything......and then he said interesting. I don't know about the interesting part I used pics I like for whatever reasons. As you can see by the multitude of pics I didn't find it all that easy to just pick a few. I started with some plants just so I could see something with color, I feel like I am living in the world of black and white.

Thursday, December 2, 2010
This post is for you that may secretly or not so secretly think Sage is being left out( since Kali came...and yes does get a lot of post and photo time) Sorry for the fuzziness but dang ain't she cute anyhow. Sage is much loved and not left out on purpose. Due to her past injury I try really hard not to put her into situations where she is competing for toys and or attention. I also don't want her working the horses like she used case of more because of this she does miss out on some photo ops....but never fear I'm betting she will appear from time to time...and maybe even sooner than you think.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Shirley's Sparkle - Janice's Jazz
Here's a bit of an update on Jazz, you can see by the first pic how enthused she was to be the subject of this post. She was really not into it. For those of you that may not know or remember Jazz is the Filly I got from Shirley ( Ride A Good Horse) aka Sparkle.

She finally quit with the yawning and funny faces so I managed to snap off a few.
Jazz thought she was being smart.... as she kept presenting me with her backside - unbeknownst to her though I kinda like look'n at nice bums so a shot of hers was ok by me.....nice bum huh. I would say it's going to get nicer yet, Jazz is going to be two in the Spring so some filling out is still in the works.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
New Faces
Dave braved bad weather and headed out to Alberta on Wed. to pick up these little beauties. Thankfully it warmed up on his trek home. He left Wed. stayed at friends overnight, picked up on Thurs. morning, stayed overnight at the same friends in Sundre and then headed home Fri. morning. It worked out well doing it that way, the babies didn't have to endure a long taxing trip and they made it here before dark so unloading was a breeze. Today the poor things had to endure the people you can see in the photos they are wearing halters.....they didn't come that way and they are not what one would call gentled......yet. So on went the halters then dewormed and then some rubbing and petting - finally turned loose to pick up their pride and console each other. It was a bit of a rodeo but they all got done without too much trauma. I would prefer to get to know them and get them a little more co - operative but because they needed deworming right away being kind was a luxury we could not afford. I did not take pics of the actual haltering / deworming because - two reasons I did not want to see it again and I'm sure there would have been some disapproving bystanders. It's done, they forgave us fairly quickly and I can live with that. Now comes the kinder easier stuff of getting to know them and seeing what kind of personalities they will have. The black with the star is the boss. The red one is the littliest and my favorite. The two blues are almost the same in looks but not in personalities. I think the one with the little white spot is going to be the nicer of the two. I guess we will see. Stay tuned for updates on the babies.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday Challenge " High Tech - Low Tech"
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tanked Tuesday
Well here it is...winter I was hoping it wouldn't be for awhile....shoot. I still have a lot of things to do down at the Greenhouses but of course I was procrastinating and now I'm going to get bit in the ass....well no one to blame but myself. I had plans for today but as you can see by the photos anything I was going to do outside....not!

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